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Fight Club

Another stellar performance from my favorite, Ed Norton and of course the flawless Brad Pitt.
Fight Club is a unique story about a severely disturbed individual who is unnamed (played by Ed Norton)
His lack of sleep, mundane job and lack of friends are slowly starting to drive him crazy. He begins attending several different support groups, a different one for every day of the week. He PRETENDS to have testicular cancer, or blood parasites and attends these support group meetings. For a while, this new hobby acts as a serious emotional release for him and he's finally able to sleep until another faker, a woman named Marla, begins to attend the meetings as well claiming she goes because it's cheaper then a movie and there's free coffee. Marla is also mentally unstable and the two develop a relationship... or do they?

You see, the movie becomes extremely complicated from this point on.
It is exceedingly difficult to give a brief synopsis of the plot, which is busy and convoluted, becoming less and less linear as it goes along.

Everything changes one day on a plane. Norton meets, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), an angry-at-the-world soap salesman who leaves an impression on him. After the initial meeting Norton returns to his condo and finds that it has exploded and no one knows how. He ends up living with tyler in his disgusting, falling apart home and their relationships develops quickly. One day they fight each other and the fight turns into an underground fight club where men who feel they are being opressed by society can take out their anger by beating the crap out of each other.
There are rules & assignments & its all a HUGE secret. The club becomes nation-wide somehow and turns into "Project Mayhem" which is a sinister organization of brainwashed men all working toward a goal that Norton doesn't know about.

I really can't say anymore, the rest of the movie comes together on it's own. Another movie where you have to pay close attention to detail.
One thing I can promise is that you will be completely shocked by the end, or sooner... depending how smart you are and how quickly you catch on which for me did not happen until the end.

The performance is outstanding, Edward Norton once again proves his ability to mold into any role given to him.
Brad Pitt takes advantage of the role and really shows some good acting skills. The pair together are unforgettable.

FAIR WARNING: do not be turned off by the strange-ness of the dialogue or the creepy-ness of the setting, events, characters etc. There isn't much color or positive emotion throughout the film but there are plenty of other elements that make it a great movie to see.

Score: 9 out of 10
(by the way - i don't believe I've explained my scoring system. It's just based on my own personal opinion about the movie and how I felt about it... it's not a very sophisticated scoring system at all so don't take it so seriously people)


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