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The Book of Eli

C'mon... it's Denzel. How could it be bad... right?
However, to enjoy this movie you HAVE to have an open mind. The movie carries a heavy religious message.
In a desolate wasteland that was once America, Denzel (nameless until the end) travels West because a "voice" told him to do so.
His soul purpose is to deliver, to the right people, his mysterious knowledge that could potentially save the future of humanity.
People are living in a time where there's a deficit of water, no modern technology (except for some weapons and an ipod) and much violence. It's a post-apocalyptic time and some people don't know much about life before the apocalypse. Denzel is one who has seen a civilized lifestyle and has dedicated his life to help find a way back to that place.

Someone with little patience may deem this movie boring because of the lack of dialogue in the first 10 minutes or so.
But being patient is worthwhile because the rest of the film contains tons of action and a few surprises that you would never guess.
Denzel is a seasoned fighter whose never defeated and seems to be almost "protected" by a higher power. He's only concern is protecting the book. He's the quintessential survivalist taking all the proper precautions to protect himself and to continue moving west.
But no hero-based movie would be sufficient without a side-kick and Denzel finds his in an unlikely beauty called Solara. She's young and knows nothing more than the desert wasteland she was born into; she can't even read... but after learning more about "the book" and the different life that Denzel is committed to restoring, she becomes impassioned and dedicated to helping him.

If you can get past the extreme measures taken based on blind faith alone then you'll enjoy the interesting journey that is The Book of Eli.

Recommend? YES
Score: 7 out of 10

Check out this trailer of the movie if you haven't already seen it.


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