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okay.. so I almost wanted to avoid reviewing this movie but I decided to give it a shot
truth is, I'm not sure exactly how I feel about Avatar.
Did I enjoy watching it? yes.
Did I find it very interesting and thrilling? yes.
Doesn't that mean I like the movie...? not necessarily.
For some reason I was a little conflicted while watching, again, i wasn't sure exactly HOW i felt.
TO be honest, the whole concept is very strange and it's hard to get a good grasp on it, afterall they are on another planet called Pandora and trying to take it over as we took over this land from the Native Americans in real life history.

The visual affects and the music and the animation and the graphics... especially it being in 3D gives the movie a real WOW factor. It is, under all the bells and whistles, a heartfelt love story but the only thing that makes it weird is that it is between a strange, blue, alien creature and a handicapped, wheelchair bound human that this love comes to grow. I think people are actually relating it to Pocahontas and I can definitely see that connection.

Theres so many details and small components... this movie is one you could see 3 or 4 times and still pick up on something new every time.
Instead of explaining the WAYYYYY too complex plot... I'm just going to say.... go see the movie with an open mind. It is definitely one of a kind and something that the big screen has, in my opinion, never seen.

Theres a lot of action, theres a lot of romance, theres a lot of fascinating technology and ideas... its not a waste of time, it's just something that needs to be approached with a completely open mind. And ladies... the main character, Sam Worthington who plays Jake Sully is absolutely gorgeous and his character is very admirable & lovable...(THIS IS ALWAYS A PLUS)

Recommend: yes (especially recommend in 3D!)
Score: 8 out of 10 (because I was just a little weirded out throughout the film)
also.. i may be a little bit unnerved by the fact that this movie cost somewhere around 300 million dollars to make and over 12 years to complete.
but the creativity and uniqueness of the film is something you don't want to miss.

they wouldn't let me embed the trailer.. but click here to be directed to youtube!


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