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Catch Me If You Can

I decided to step away from the action genre for a little and tell you about an amazing movie based on a true story with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks... (two of my favorite actors) and directed by the phenomenal Steven Speilberg.

This story is about a real life con artist named Frank Abagnale who worked as a doctor, a lawyer and a co-pilot for a major airline all before he was 18 years old. In short, Frank Abagnale was the most successful bank robber in the history of the United States before his 17th birthday. Being a master of deception and a brilliant forger, Frank learns all he can about these fake careers and cashes fake checks to make millions. Tom Hanks comes into play as Carl Hannratty, a swift check fraud FBI agent whose on Frank's case. Frank loves the chase and makes sure to keep Carl close by for entertainment purposes, calling him and giving him leads every so often.
The movie is so enjoyable and involves comedy, romance and crime all in one.
Catch me if you can will always be one of my favorite films because of it's clever plot and star-studded cast... did i mention Christopher Walken is involved?!

If you love Leo (who doesn't?) and enjoy a good cat and mouse chase with plenty of unpredictable twists and turns, you'll LOVe this movie as much as I do.
Don't forget you don't always have to watch newly released movies. This one is nearly 8 years old and is a great pick at your local video store. and its a true story!! even better.
Trust me, I know how hard it is to go into Blockbuster and choose a movie out of alllll those shelves. You can end up spending a half hour in there and leaving with a movie you've already seen 3 times! Don't do that, get Catch me if you can. i guarantee you'll love it.


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