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My Cousin Vinny

An older film, out in 1992 but still one of my favorite comedies is My Cousin Vinny. The movie is about two young New Yorkers (Billy and Stan) from New York traveling through rural Alabama on their way to college. They forget to pay for a can of tuna and are arrested, all the while thinking its because of the tuna.
But they end up being falsely accused of murder because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
They call in Bill's cousin, Vincent Gambini (played by Joe Pesci) to defend them but the only problem is Cousin Vinny has no courtroom experience and had to re-take the bar exam 6 times. He's actually a personal injury lawyer and nearly incapable of managing this case.
Vinny brings along his fiance, Mona Lisa Vito (played by Marisa Tomei) for support but she actually gives Vinny a run for his money. VInny and Mona Lisa are hilarious together and will always stand as two of my favorite comedic characters. Decked out in black leather and big hair with thick Brooklyn accents VInny and LIsa are quite a site for Whazoo City, Alabama.
It's a straight up clash of cultures that makes for great comedic acting.
Vinny goes into the case with no experience but works hard and comes out successful with a lot of laughs along the way.
Probably the most hilarious scene in the film is when Stan is in jail, horrified at the prospect of being paired up with an affectionate cellmate. In his initial meeting with Stan, Vinny doesn’t clearly indicate that he’s Billy’s cousin and the conversation that occurs between Stan and Vinny is one of the funniest comedic sequences I've ever seen.

A classic.... you've got to go rent My Cousin Vinny. It's better than many of the comedies being released today, you'll enjoy it of sure.
SCORE: 10 out of 10
Recommend? ABSOLUTELY!!


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