Hello! Welcome to my movie blog. Hope you enjoy reading my opinion about some movies!! Make sure you watch the included trailers to decide for yourself if you wanna see this film! :)


Okay, so turns out I love action movies and cat/mouse chase movies full of crime and deceptions.
I promise... I'm not a bad person. In fact, I'm quite the opposite. I've always been good and obedient, never getting in trouble or causing trouble... perhaps thats why I love these movies so much.

next movie I've chosen is Blow. Similar in ways to Catch Me If You Can AND The Shawshank Redemption... starring another favorite of mine, the incredible Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz. Taking place in the 60s, this story is a roller-coaster of emotions and suspense.
It's another story based on a real life drug dealer named George Jung. George (Johnny Depp) was raised in Boston but moves out to California and starts selling marijuana. He becomes a weed entrepreneur, if you will, and his business soon spreads from the west coast to the east cost thanks to his girlfriend Barbara who works as a stewardess and carries pounds of marijuana across the country in her suitcases that don't get checked.
One thing leads to another and George ends up in jail where he meets Diego and together they decided to conquer the cocaine smuggling trade. George starts working for a Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar and marries Mirtha (Penelope Cruz). Life is good and luxurious... George has the world at his fingertips. But things don't stay perfect for long.
The movie turns very sad when Mirtha and George have a child but George's good luck streak comes to an end.
The FBI are dedicated to taking George and his team down but he fights to be a positive influence for his daughter.

The movie creates a range of emotions and is certainly full of entertaining and unpredictable turns.
Johnny Depp is remarkable as alwaaaaays and this movie is definitely worth seeing. It's an interesting look at a lifestyle full of drugs, money and crime - which, unfortunately, is a very realistic aspect of our country and a multimillion dollar industry to this day.
Score: 9 out of 10 (i LOVE it)


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