Hello! Welcome to my movie blog. Hope you enjoy reading my opinion about some movies!! Make sure you watch the included trailers to decide for yourself if you wanna see this film! :)

Fight Club

Another stellar performance from my favorite, Ed Norton and of course the flawless Brad Pitt.
Fight Club is a unique story about a severely disturbed individual who is unnamed (played by Ed Norton)
His lack of sleep, mundane job and lack of friends are slowly starting to drive him crazy. He begins attending several different support groups, a different one for every day of the week. He PRETENDS to have testicular cancer, or blood parasites and attends these support group meetings. For a while, this new hobby acts as a serious emotional release for him and he's finally able to sleep until another faker, a woman named Marla, begins to attend the meetings as well claiming she goes because it's cheaper then a movie and there's free coffee. Marla is also mentally unstable and the two develop a relationship... or do they?

You see, the movie becomes extremely complicated from this point on.
It is exceedingly difficult to give a brief synopsis of the plot, which is busy and convoluted, becoming less and less linear as it goes along.

Everything changes one day on a plane. Norton meets, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), an angry-at-the-world soap salesman who leaves an impression on him. After the initial meeting Norton returns to his condo and finds that it has exploded and no one knows how. He ends up living with tyler in his disgusting, falling apart home and their relationships develops quickly. One day they fight each other and the fight turns into an underground fight club where men who feel they are being opressed by society can take out their anger by beating the crap out of each other.
There are rules & assignments & its all a HUGE secret. The club becomes nation-wide somehow and turns into "Project Mayhem" which is a sinister organization of brainwashed men all working toward a goal that Norton doesn't know about.

I really can't say anymore, the rest of the movie comes together on it's own. Another movie where you have to pay close attention to detail.
One thing I can promise is that you will be completely shocked by the end, or sooner... depending how smart you are and how quickly you catch on which for me did not happen until the end.

The performance is outstanding, Edward Norton once again proves his ability to mold into any role given to him.
Brad Pitt takes advantage of the role and really shows some good acting skills. The pair together are unforgettable.

FAIR WARNING: do not be turned off by the strange-ness of the dialogue or the creepy-ness of the setting, events, characters etc. There isn't much color or positive emotion throughout the film but there are plenty of other elements that make it a great movie to see.

Score: 9 out of 10
(by the way - i don't believe I've explained my scoring system. It's just based on my own personal opinion about the movie and how I felt about it... it's not a very sophisticated scoring system at all so don't take it so seriously people)

The Illusionist

Featuring one of my FAVORITE actors of all time...... Edward Norton (also in Fight Club, American History X and Pride & Glory)
This movie was definitely my absolute favorite for a while. It's one of those movies that explodes at the end and thats when everything makes sense and trust me, you'll LOVE what happens.

The movie tells the story of Eisenheim a wildly talented magician in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century Victorian period who uses his powers to win the love of his upper-class, childhood sweetheart. Eisenheim is the son of a cabinet maker and Sophie von Teschen is a wealthy young woman. Because their love was unacceptable, a heartbroken Eisenheim leaves Austria and explores the world but never forgets his dream of one day returning to the beautiful duchess who has his heart (played by Jessica Beil). 15 years later, Eisenheim is a polished, talented illusionist and returns to Austria only to learn that Sophie is engaged to the Crown Prince Leopold. Sophie and Eisenheim have an affair which enrages her fiance the crown prince and this begins an action filled war of love. I can't say anymore because the movie is full of secrets and surprises that you have to pay close attention to in order to understand. But a breath-taking ending makes the confusion throughout the movie worthwhile.

If you enjoy watching portrayals of the past and want to see a terrifically composed love story with a lot of magic, rent the Illusionist!!!!!!!
Edward Norton is phenomenal as always (he's my favorite) and Jessica Beil is stunning.

Recommend: YESSSSSSS
Score: 10 out of 10
trust me, you won't regret watching this one.
and by the way, it is NOT a chick flick. you guys out there will love it too!


Okay, so turns out I love action movies and cat/mouse chase movies full of crime and deceptions.
I promise... I'm not a bad person. In fact, I'm quite the opposite. I've always been good and obedient, never getting in trouble or causing trouble... perhaps thats why I love these movies so much.

next movie I've chosen is Blow. Similar in ways to Catch Me If You Can AND The Shawshank Redemption... starring another favorite of mine, the incredible Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz. Taking place in the 60s, this story is a roller-coaster of emotions and suspense.
It's another story based on a real life drug dealer named George Jung. George (Johnny Depp) was raised in Boston but moves out to California and starts selling marijuana. He becomes a weed entrepreneur, if you will, and his business soon spreads from the west coast to the east cost thanks to his girlfriend Barbara who works as a stewardess and carries pounds of marijuana across the country in her suitcases that don't get checked.
One thing leads to another and George ends up in jail where he meets Diego and together they decided to conquer the cocaine smuggling trade. George starts working for a Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar and marries Mirtha (Penelope Cruz). Life is good and luxurious... George has the world at his fingertips. But things don't stay perfect for long.
The movie turns very sad when Mirtha and George have a child but George's good luck streak comes to an end.
The FBI are dedicated to taking George and his team down but he fights to be a positive influence for his daughter.

The movie creates a range of emotions and is certainly full of entertaining and unpredictable turns.
Johnny Depp is remarkable as alwaaaaays and this movie is definitely worth seeing. It's an interesting look at a lifestyle full of drugs, money and crime - which, unfortunately, is a very realistic aspect of our country and a multimillion dollar industry to this day.
Score: 9 out of 10 (i LOVE it)

Catch Me If You Can

I decided to step away from the action genre for a little and tell you about an amazing movie based on a true story with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks... (two of my favorite actors) and directed by the phenomenal Steven Speilberg.

This story is about a real life con artist named Frank Abagnale who worked as a doctor, a lawyer and a co-pilot for a major airline all before he was 18 years old. In short, Frank Abagnale was the most successful bank robber in the history of the United States before his 17th birthday. Being a master of deception and a brilliant forger, Frank learns all he can about these fake careers and cashes fake checks to make millions. Tom Hanks comes into play as Carl Hannratty, a swift check fraud FBI agent whose on Frank's case. Frank loves the chase and makes sure to keep Carl close by for entertainment purposes, calling him and giving him leads every so often.
The movie is so enjoyable and involves comedy, romance and crime all in one.
Catch me if you can will always be one of my favorite films because of it's clever plot and star-studded cast... did i mention Christopher Walken is involved?!

If you love Leo (who doesn't?) and enjoy a good cat and mouse chase with plenty of unpredictable twists and turns, you'll LOVe this movie as much as I do.
Don't forget you don't always have to watch newly released movies. This one is nearly 8 years old and is a great pick at your local video store. and its a true story!! even better.
Trust me, I know how hard it is to go into Blockbuster and choose a movie out of alllll those shelves. You can end up spending a half hour in there and leaving with a movie you've already seen 3 times! Don't do that, get Catch me if you can. i guarantee you'll love it.


okay.. so I almost wanted to avoid reviewing this movie but I decided to give it a shot
truth is, I'm not sure exactly how I feel about Avatar.
Did I enjoy watching it? yes.
Did I find it very interesting and thrilling? yes.
Doesn't that mean I like the movie...? not necessarily.
For some reason I was a little conflicted while watching, again, i wasn't sure exactly HOW i felt.
TO be honest, the whole concept is very strange and it's hard to get a good grasp on it, afterall they are on another planet called Pandora and trying to take it over as we took over this land from the Native Americans in real life history.

The visual affects and the music and the animation and the graphics... especially it being in 3D gives the movie a real WOW factor. It is, under all the bells and whistles, a heartfelt love story but the only thing that makes it weird is that it is between a strange, blue, alien creature and a handicapped, wheelchair bound human that this love comes to grow. I think people are actually relating it to Pocahontas and I can definitely see that connection.

Theres so many details and small components... this movie is one you could see 3 or 4 times and still pick up on something new every time.
Instead of explaining the WAYYYYY too complex plot... I'm just going to say.... go see the movie with an open mind. It is definitely one of a kind and something that the big screen has, in my opinion, never seen.

Theres a lot of action, theres a lot of romance, theres a lot of fascinating technology and ideas... its not a waste of time, it's just something that needs to be approached with a completely open mind. And ladies... the main character, Sam Worthington who plays Jake Sully is absolutely gorgeous and his character is very admirable & lovable...(THIS IS ALWAYS A PLUS)

Recommend: yes (especially recommend in 3D!)
Score: 8 out of 10 (because I was just a little weirded out throughout the film)
also.. i may be a little bit unnerved by the fact that this movie cost somewhere around 300 million dollars to make and over 12 years to complete.
but the creativity and uniqueness of the film is something you don't want to miss.

they wouldn't let me embed the trailer.. but click here to be directed to youtube!

Law Abiding Citizen

This movie somewhat follows suit with The Shawshank Redemption... but it definitely has its own flare.
Starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx, this movie has so many great elements and is one of my favorites this year.

Gerard Butler plays Clyde Shelton who is a very intelligent man whose wife and daughter are brutally killed right before his eyes. When the killers are caught Jamie Foxx steps in as Nick Rice, the prosecutor of the case.
Nick is forced by his boss to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying against his accomplice.
Moving forward ten years. The man who practically got away with murder is found dead and Clyde Shelton calmly admits his guilt.
Then he issues a warning to Nick: Either fix the flawed justice system that failed his family, or everyone involved in the trial will die. When Clyde sees little action he begins to follow through on his threats, working from his jail cell to make his point by assasinations that can't be prevented or predicted. Things get pretty intense from there...
Only Nick can stop the killing, he has to power to stop Clyde -- he just has to put in a little extra work.
With his own family on the line, Nick finds himself in a desperate race against time and Clyde always seems to be one step ahead.

It's a very interesting story because Clyde's anger toward the corrupt justice system is so relatable so you almost want to agree with his actions, but at the same time... he's killing people and he refuses to stop.
Butler and Foxx are phenomenal in their roles and the movie provides for a range of emotions.
If your into an action filled, unpredictable and complex crime story... you gotta check out Law Abiding Citizen.
Get ready to really pay attention because the little details make the movie.

Recommend: absolutely!!!
Score: 9 out of 10 (still can't beat the original jail movie of my heart... The Shawshank Redemption)

The Shawshank Redemption

Some call it one of the best movies of all time. I don't even believe there is a "best movie of all time" but in my opinion, this movie starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman is a GREAT movie.

The main character, Andy Dufresne is a successful banker who ends up being charged with the murder of his wife and her lover and sentenced to life in prison. Over time, Andy develops strong friendships with his prison mates, especially "red" (Freeman) and after years of abuse and torture from prison mates and guards alike, Andy becomes somewhat of a hero within the prison.

He starts solving the guards tax problems in exchange for things from outside the prison and eventually works his way up to being the Warden's tax assistant. Once in this position Andy has access to a lot of information that the other prisoners could never dream of obtaining. Soon it becomes clear to the audience that Andy has some ideas up his sleeve to make himself a free man but I can't elaborate or it'll ruin the movie.

Another aspect of the story displays the reality of how difficult life becomes for prisoners who have spent the majority of their lives in prison and then are released as old men. This story is told through a character called Brooks who becomes very dependent on the walls of the prison and feels lost outside in the real world.
Next time your at blockbuster trying to find a suspenseful, unpredictable movie that still tells a remarkable story about friendship and trust... rent The Shawshank Redemption!

Recommend: YES!!!
Score: 10 out of 10

Check out this trailer!!

The Book of Eli

C'mon... it's Denzel. How could it be bad... right?
However, to enjoy this movie you HAVE to have an open mind. The movie carries a heavy religious message.
In a desolate wasteland that was once America, Denzel (nameless until the end) travels West because a "voice" told him to do so.
His soul purpose is to deliver, to the right people, his mysterious knowledge that could potentially save the future of humanity.
People are living in a time where there's a deficit of water, no modern technology (except for some weapons and an ipod) and much violence. It's a post-apocalyptic time and some people don't know much about life before the apocalypse. Denzel is one who has seen a civilized lifestyle and has dedicated his life to help find a way back to that place.

Someone with little patience may deem this movie boring because of the lack of dialogue in the first 10 minutes or so.
But being patient is worthwhile because the rest of the film contains tons of action and a few surprises that you would never guess.
Denzel is a seasoned fighter whose never defeated and seems to be almost "protected" by a higher power. He's only concern is protecting the book. He's the quintessential survivalist taking all the proper precautions to protect himself and to continue moving west.
But no hero-based movie would be sufficient without a side-kick and Denzel finds his in an unlikely beauty called Solara. She's young and knows nothing more than the desert wasteland she was born into; she can't even read... but after learning more about "the book" and the different life that Denzel is committed to restoring, she becomes impassioned and dedicated to helping him.

If you can get past the extreme measures taken based on blind faith alone then you'll enjoy the interesting journey that is The Book of Eli.

Recommend? YES
Score: 7 out of 10

Check out this trailer of the movie if you haven't already seen it.
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