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Crash is about a group of people whose lives effect one another unintentionally in dramatic ways.
Crash possesses all the characteristics a good movie should, a good cast, action, emotion and excitement. The entire cast is connected in ways that they would never realize. They speak different languages, make different amounts of money and have different colored skin but they interact with each other everyday.
An upper-class white couple, an upper-class black couple, a Persian storeowner and his family, two gay police officers, a Mexican locksmith and his family, two African-American car jackers, an innocent white rookie cop, a middle-aged Korean couple – all living in Los Angeles and by the conclusion of the movie they all collide.
Many stereotypes are addressed, many hard to believe but realistic attitudes are uncovered and in the end, each character learns a valuable lesson.
“Crash” is the film equivalent of a 'crash course' in the horrible results of racism. This film took me through just one day of the lives of several different people on the financial and cultural ladder in L.A.
Starring: Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon & Sandra Bullock. Ludacris is also in this film & surprisingly does a good job as do all the other actors.
The movie is eye-opening to say the least but definitely enjoyable.
If your looking for a solid drama that closely resembles the many problems that Americans face on a daily basis then watch Crash.

Score: 8 out of 10
Recommend? yes absolutely.
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